Friday, February 25, 2005

5 am. Been up since 2:45 am. Went to sleep at 12 am.

Okay, rewind. Play in sequence.

12 am - went to bed relatively early because I'm coming down with a head cold. I foolishly went out to a firm function (where they dine you and ply you with liquor and give you $6 Starbucks coupons in the hopes that you'll apply to that firm next year) because hallmates were going, and I actually had a good time, mostly because I don't really give two flying somersaults about looking good in front of recruiters, but I should have stayed in bed. However, I did not. Hence, foolishness. But also free wine, dinner, and dessert. And the chance to ask a telecomm lawyer if he felt like he was doing good for the world through his job. Heh.

2:45 am - woke up because group of 10 people, coming in drunk from some function were playing Bomberman. To say I hate Bomberman is to say that the Artic is a wee bit chilly. To say that I loathe Bomberman is to say that the Pope is a little under the weather these days. To say that I would l like nothing more than to douse the Nintendo system with gasoline, light it on fire and dance around its burning carcass singing unintelligible songs of wild glee is to say -- well, it's to say exactly that.

And after all that hyperbole, I'm forced to say in all honestly that I don't hate Bomberman itself, I hate the way people scream, pound their fists, jump around, laugh exceedingly loudly and exclaim while playing/losing/winning Bomberman. And that's when they do it during the day! At 2:45 am on Thursday night -- inexcusable. I asked people to quiet down, but Bomberman was not appeased and his supplicants had to make more noise. I tried going back to sleep and just could not. Damn Sudafed. My hallmate told me it would calm down my symptoms but that it was like speed. Indeed.

5 am - After trying and failing to fall back asleep, I turned on the computer, read things here and there, looked up (finally) what "hapa" really means (originally used in hawaii to refer to a Hawaiian with some Caucasian blood, now used to describe anyone who is part Asian and part other race - "half asian pacific american," see?), played some computer games, read my TA's comments on my worse-than-crap paper I turned in late on Monday, and generally felt like I was crawling out of my skin.

I have way too much to do to be operating on 2 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. Unbeknownst to me (maybe because I don't go to crim anymore), we were assigned a midterm (ungraded) that's due on the same day the final draft of my elective paper is due. Shoot me now. Please. I found out about it two days ago when my moot court partner emailed me and asked if I "had a partner for the crim assignment yet" and would I like to do it together. My response: "Sure! Um, what crim assignment?"

I suppose I should go to class.

But hey, I've never missed Torts!

And in other news, snow fell today. Which was pretty, except when you're walking back from a firm function hopped up on Sudafed and wine and it's as cold as heck.

Oh, it's February all right. The cold, dark February of the soul.

Must. Sleep. Aaaaggggrrrhphgh.