Hm. Have just been stood up by someone with whom I was supposed to discuss summer job possibilities in SE Asia.
Maybe I should just go ahead and take this job in Hawaii. After all -- Hawaii. Need I say more?
Well, in any case, there might be a glitch with summer funding, so I'll have a reason to put off deciding for a bit. The woman I'd be working for sounds awfully nice, though.
Choices, choices. As bigbro laughingly pointed out, I always do seem to face these dilemmas that are silly for the sheer fact that each option is staggeringly good. Thus, the indecision.
I usually feel great after putting a decision to bed, but I recently made one that I'm second-guessing. There's moot court competition we do here (and have done for 80 years, dahling), for which we work in pairs. Instead of being randomly assigned to a partner, which would be the most efficient and grown-up way to do it, we had to choose partners. Being on of the mid-range floaters in my sub-section (oh, you know who I mean -- the people who aren't remarkable for their brilliance or annoying qualities, and who aren't affiliated with others automatically in the group), I had a difficult choice between possible partners, and ended up partnering with someone with whom I think I can work comfortably with, and get a lot of out of the partnership. This means I missed out on working with others who might have a better shot at winning, or with whom I have a friendship, etc., etc.
The competitive side of me says, "You should have gone with the possible winner, hk, even if it might not have been as comfortable! Damn you and your laziness!"
On the other hand: "Damn YOU and YOUR hyper-competitiveness, hk! This partnership has to produce a 15-page brief, and that means lots of working together. You know you're going to get the most out of working with your partner, and you know it probably wouldn't have been so fruitful with any of the others. Besides, you made a choice and it's too late now. Shut it."
Yeah, yeah. I just hate decisions that involve responsibility. Then again, I second-guessed myself about staying in SF so long to study for finals, and that turned out just fine. So... yeah. Shut it, hk.
This has been a production of Neurotic Productions. Thank you.
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