Okay, so this is how the grades went: an A- for civil procedure, a B+ for property, and no grade yet from contracts, because my professor couldn't care less about his duties to the 1L class. I was very, VERY surprised about the civ pro grade, because you know I had a very hard time with it -- didn't understand most classes. I read a hornbook (a study guide) and spent tons of time studying that topic, and did old exams, and the test was significantly easier than past exams, and I really just don't know how I pulled that off.
The property grade is more in line with what I expected - I liked the class, understood the material, worked hard on the exam, which was fair and challenging. I would have liked higher, but hey, it's above average.
I fully expect either a B- or a C on my contracts exam, and I will definitely let you know as soon as I know. Probably in March. God, I hope I don't get lower than that.
So someone asked me if my grades made me feel any better about law school, and I have to say -- no. It just shows again how random the grading is, how poorly taught the classes are, how it's all about gaming the system, and not about actually learning anything. From my own grades, I see that studying the hornbook is a more reliable way to learn the precepts from a class than going to class. I also see that even if you work hard on understanding the cases, not gauging the time just right for an exam will just screw you up. And I learned that certain professors don't really give a shit about teaching. All lovely lessons to have learned.
Still very tired from the weekend. DC was warm and lovely and full of people I miss. And a lifestyle I miss. The working world ain't so bad. No homework -- AND disposable income! It's possible that if I were remotely interested in what I am learning, the working lifestyle would not look so attractive. But things being as they are...
I have promised the Ringleted One and countless others that I will get a cell phone, and I will. Eventually.
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