Friday, February 11, 2005

Crimson City got a light dusting of snow last night, which didn't feel so light when me and Gengirl were walking around Boston last night on our way to the Crimson Graduate Student Valentine's Matchmaking party. Yes, that's right. Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! With a nice non-law grad student at Crimson, please, so I know that he's reasonably intelligent and doesn't, like, drool and stuff. But oh, things sometimes don't go the way you plan, youngsters! For the club:
1. was a club - ew
2. shared the space with Chippendales
3. wasn't open at 9, which is when the party was supposed to start
4. charged a $15 cover, on top of which the Grad Student Council charged $5 for the matching (ouch!)
5. had waitresses -- dressed in miniskirts and white go-go boots -- going around with test tube shots
6. was too big for the 80 or so people there at 10:30 pm
7. gave me a flashback to the days when I too would go to clubs in my cute little fancy tank top and tight jeans and tiny purselet and stand around talking to my friends trying desperately to look cool
8. was so not my scene anymore.

Gengirl and I arrived at the place at 9 pm (when the party was supposed to start, remember), and was told that it would open "at 9 or 10," so we went for dessert, came back at 10 pm, paid our ridiculous cover, got our list of matches, stood around speechless for 15 minutes until I said, "You know, I think I would pay $20 to leave this place now," and left.

All right. I concede that it's possible I might have had a better time if we'd gone with a group of people, or if I hadn't still been nursing the rage from yesterday, or if the weather hadn't been so crap, or if there had been no cover. But I was glad to get home and go to bed early, thanks.


So in summer job news, I've been getting knocked down -- this week I heard from the place in Belfast and the place in South Africa, and both emails included that key word -- "unfortunately." So the last remaining international place is Cambodia, which, frankly, is the only place I really have any experience or contact with. I think the Irish and South African places could tell that I was just after a nice place to live in the summer. On the other hand, I'm funded for the summer by Crimson, so -- free labor? Hello? What more do you want? Like, actual interest in your country and issue? Whatever.

I'm also still waiting on a couple places Stateside - a death penalty place in New Orleans, an immigrants' rights project in Oakland, and a legal services organization in Anchorage. To them all I also say -- whatever.

And in overall law school news, yesterday I talked to someone in my section whom I've admired from afar for his hilarious answers in class (to wit -- Professor: "What if the complaint said something like, 'I'm suing you for wearing a blue shirt that made me go blind." Student: [Pause] "Well," said slowly and thoughtfully, "that's an interesting theory of causation."). Was shocked to hear that most of our class did not like our property course last term, which was by far my favorite class and was, I thought, far and away the best taught and most useful.

I'd heard someone in our class complain about the prof, but thought that she was an anomaly. Apparently not. "It just makes me think that their brains work a certain way that mine doesn't," he said. I hear ya.