Saturday, May 31, 2003

One of the things I'll miss about living here is walking every day. I know I can do the same in the U.S., and I'll try to, but it's easier to do when everyone else does it too. And people really love to get out and do stuff here. Maybe it's the small apartments (though the newer ones aren't that small), or the lack of quality programming on TV (though I don't have cable and it probably offers better stuff), but it doesn't seem real popular to sit at home and veg.

Vegging is actually what I've been doing this weekend, after the drunkenness that led to the embarrassing entry below. (You know, I thought about erasing it, but ... why bother. As Sally says, it's already out there.) I meant to go to Ewha on Saturday afternoon, get my hair cut, hang out with my classmate Gongli, but I stopped at home first and saw that Dad was really ill, so I felt bad about leaving. Later I discovered that the gov had been on a bender Friday night, and thus the resultant worshipping of the porcelain throne, which made me feel simultaneously less worried (how many times did this happen when I was a kid?) and superior (yo, I was drunk on Friday night too, but I'm not ill).

So I took a luxurious 3-hour nap, and then took a really pleasant walk through Olympic Park. For the first time, I took the lower path, and it was really lovely. It felt more Korean, for some reason. Brick-laid paths and wide empty squares. Is there such a thing as racial memory? Something that makes all Koreans, whether born in Korea or elsewhere, genetically predisposed to enjoy mountains and hiking?

Being the first weekend in two months where I haven't had the shadow of work hanging over me, I've enjoyed the lazing very much.