Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I completed something today and sent it out, which was a mighty good feeling. And then I went home, and that was also a good feeling. And then I had a super fantastico conversation with Miss D for a long while, and that was a super good feeling. And then I added up my expenses this month so far, including the bed from the store that must DIE, and that was not such a good feeling.

I want to put half of my take-home pay toward my loan this year, which leaves a quarter for rent and a quarter for living expenses -- which totally should be enough. I've already spent 75% of my living expenses for the month, which shouldn't happen again so fast, since I'm not going to buy a bed every month. But I've got to put off my other major furniture purchases until next month to stay in budget.

I'm serious, dude! I am way way serious about the loan payments. And if I have to eat cereal for dinner for the rest of this month, it's just going to have to be that way. Eh, I probably would have eaten it for dinner anyway.