Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Got to the library at 10:15 this morning, and practically all the carrels on the second floor were full. Damn, people!

Yesterday was a big push in terms of studying employment law: in the library from 9 in the morning to 12:30 at night. Not sure I actually mastered the concepts, but that is what today is for.

Must first go through outline and create a much shorter, handier outline than what I have (currently at 62 pages, it's more of a treatise than an outline). Then will attack an old exam.

Then, this afternoon, legal history -- bane of my existence. I figured out that it's not so much the theory in that class that I hate, it's the philosophical approach to the theory and history in that class that I hate. Or something. It's weird, I can't quite put my finger on what I dislike about it, and I have the feeling that it would be instructive to know.

Oh well. Maybe I'll come upon it this afternoon.

Had a lovely pho dinner last night. I asked for a small bowl and received a large one by mistake, pointed it out and confessed I didn't think I could finish it, but then did, and it was mighty tasty. And they charged me for a small! Yay for small happinesses.

Oh, and in the everlasting, neverending saga of recruiting, I received a call from the UK firm yesterday: "We don't offer this to everyone, but to show you how flexible we are, we were looking at your resume and thought, maybe she'd like to go to NY, Hong Kong, AND London this summer! How about it?"

I thanked them for their flexibility, but said that it was really the firms I was torn between, and so really did want to split with the Large Passive Aggressive Firm in NY and the UK's London office. And later in the day, the UK firm called back and said that was fine.

I'll send my emails of final final acceptance today, and that will be -- finally -- that.

(Except that I wonder if I just shouldn't go to the Hong Kong office after all. But -- I must really stop.)