Friday, December 09, 2005

The world is white.

I don't mean that in a metaphysical, critical race theory way -- I mean it's blindingly, chillingly, up-to-your-ankles, downed-power-lines, squirrels-as-fat-as-NY-rats-digging-for-underground-chow, buildings-blanketed-in-veils, bracingly, exhilaratingly white out there. The first nor'easter of the season.

As a non-commuting dilettante student, it's wonderful.

I had to return some library books to the undergrad library, and walked through troughs of snow to get there.

And because I'm ALMOST done with the summer decision, it looks like perfection. E-mailed 11 firms today, and am waiting to hear reactions to my proposal to split the summer (ha! summer!) from the remaining two.
