Thursday, December 15, 2005

All kinds of no goodness on the employment law final this morning. I spent too long on the first question trying to be thorough and so ran out of time and spent only 25 minutes on the third question (the first took me an hour and 15 minutes). To one part of the second question I just wrote that the same claims applied as in the first section, which was so obviously the wrong answer, I wanted to cry as I wrote it.

Oh well. I hope to get a B, a B would be good. I'm a little disappointed because I liked the class a lot. But I take solace in the fact that my property law professor last year, Uncle Joe, told us he got a B- in his first year property law class, and he's now the god of property (seriously, his book is used everywhere). So there's hope.

And in the dating news, I met Tadpole, the Brazilian grad student, today. Not a match. Sweet, geeky, sarcastic kid, who'll be great once he mellows out in about 5 years or so. But as I told Joiner, I want to meet someone who knows who he is. Which brings me to Not-Gay Boyfriend, who emailed tonight asking if we were still on for lunch tomorrow. Are we ever, Not-Gay Boyfriend! I'm still driving Joiner crazy with asking, "What if he has a wife and three kids in Peoria? What if he's not not-gay? What if he has a girlfriend?" And I'm still breaking out in inexplicable smiles. As Double M said to me last night, "You're really cheerful for someone in the middle of exams!" I told her the story of how this lunch came to be, and she laughed, "It has the slightly awkward and stilted feeling of two people who think they might like each other." Hee!

Of course, if it all turns out crappy tomorrow, I'll be crushed and won't be able to concentrate on studying for evidence (Tuesday) and legal history (Wednesday). Better get through as much as I can tonight, then.