Friday, April 25, 2003

Grr. Two weeks ago, I did a superfast proof of an art book about traditional Korean knots (sort of like macrame but not). Its publication is being supported by the Foundation, but the writer and her editor are not Foundation staff. Anyway. I refrained from making too many corrections two weeks ago, since there was a chance the author wouldn't take my suggestions. Well, today, I got the book back, and it seems that the editors over on that side followed my corrections -- selectively. So okay, whatever, welcome to the life of a proofer. But someone on this side wants me to look over the book again and make "essential" corrections only. Yo, didn't I do that the first time? Flurgin' colossal waste of time when I could, you know, be doing important things, like writing emails.
The German Giant canceled at the very last minute last night, but my team at work was going out for dinner, so I joined them, equally last-minute, instead. If I hadn't gone, I'd have missed one of my colleagues opening a wine bottle with a single metal chopstick. (Didn't take too long, eitha. Hee.)

I was amazed and asked if he had done this kind of thing before. "Yes," he said, "but with a screwdriver, at least you have a handle."

The wine was the bottle of Rodney Strong merlot I'd brought back from L.A. in January for the office, and the smooth taste made me smile, because it reminded me of many evenings at the Ringleted One's house in DC, where there was always a bottle or five ready for the downing. Here's to those lovely evenings, those lovely friends, and of course, the Rodney. Kombei!