Final stretch
It's a cool, rainy day in Crimson City, chickadees, and I leave in half an hour to Albany, to take THE BAR. Dum dum DUM!
I've been reviewing my flashcards and outlines for the top ten tested topics, and trying to keep the panic at bay. If I haven't learned it by now, I probably won't learn it between now and 8 am tomorrow -- unless there's something really important about torts, contracts, wills, professional responsibility, domestic relations, corporations blah blah blah that I have already forgotten that I would be reminded of IF ONLY I REVIEWED IT TONIGHT IN MORE DETAIL!!! ARGH! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT? THE PERCENTAGE OF SHAREHOLDER VOTES NEEDED TO CHANGE A MAJORITY QUORUM TO SUPERMAJORITY IN A CORPORATION FORMED AFTER FEB. 22, 1998? HOW TO REVOKE A TOTTEN TRUST? THE 3 DEFENSES TO ADULTERY IN A DIVORCE OR SEPARATION SUIT? THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON INDEMNIFICATION? I JUST DON'T KNOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!
Of course, you know there will be something I forget tomorrow, so that I will be kicking myself for not remembering or at least reviewing in more detail tonight, but this whole memorization thing -- and let's not forget that I haven't had to memorize anything since the capitals of the 50 states in FOURTH GRADE, because why would you have to memorize anything in this age of quick and easy access to information? -- it's like piling up an enormous stack of magazines with glossy covers. You've got your Torts Illustrated, your Crim In the Maxim your Wills 'N Trusts, your Corps Illustrated, your Ellevidence, and your Practica en Nueva York (New York Practice, Spanish edition), and you're trying and trying to stack them up neatly in your mind's coffee table, but no sooner do you get Torts Illustrated on top than the Cosmopartnership starts sliding out from the bottom, and you've got to pull that one out and put it on top, which starts the Wills Weekly slipping out of its spot, and you've got to pull that one out and ... you see what I mean. My brain isn't capable of keeping all the info in line and accessible at once. It's bound to lose some -- many things along the way. (Curse those drug-filled nights of my youth, damaging my brain and memorization capacity!)
So, I skim my cards, I look over my outlines, and I pray. I don't know if I'll have wireless in my hotel -- (a ghetto fabulous) (maybe) Days Inn in the armpit of Albany -- so I may have to wait to whine online til after I get back on Wednesday night. In the meanwhile, thanks for the good wishes.
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