Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Did you know that 12,000 freshly graduated law students descended upon Albany for the bar yesterday? That's a LOT of Elle Woodses for a little upstate town to handle. I think hell must be like this. The only thing worse would be if it were 12,000 freshly graduated business school tools. Can you imagine? The streets would be slick with smarm.

(Apologies to business school types. But you have to admit, there's a lot of smarming that goes on in B school. Law students try to smarm, but they fail.)

(Smarm smarm smarm. SMARM! What a grand word. It's like a fresh little green alien amongst the dreck of ordinary quotidien language.)

(It's possible that I'm delirious with lack of sleep and too much law. I think I might go to bed now.)

(But wait! Shouldn't I review my notes one last time? And then not get enough sleep again?)

(Here's something to lose sleep over -- with 12,000 law students trying to get the heck out of Albany tomorrow night, will I be able to get a cab? And considering that the suitcase I borrowed from Mathgirl decided to give up the ghost when I got here, and is now going to be tied together with twine from the Quik-E Mart across the street, it is worth it to try to take it with me to the test center tomorrow, in its twiney glory, so I can try to go directly to the airport from the test?)

(These questions, along with torty tort torts, grim crim, non-evident evidence, conniving con law, perfectly potty property, and give-me-contractions-anyday-over-contracts-questions [sorry, I ran out of steam there], are not ones I can answer.)