How to waste time
Weirdness! While procrastinating from corporations studying, I checked out my blog entries from a year ago, and came across this prophetic entry, in which I was professionally hypnotized thanks to Neener and came up with the very same answer I did last week about firms.
Why do I waste time going over decisions that I've already made?
And why am I writing this when I should be reading corporations (remember, the 400-odd pages I haven't read this semester)?
For that matter, why do OTHER people waste MY time by coming into the seminar room I've been camped out in all day and asking, "We're trying to hold a discussion group. Can you move? There's a guy studying across the hall quietly by himself."?
I almost did it -- almost felt pressured enough to move. But then -- hell, NO. I am studying for FINALS, you sub-humans (I assume from their utter cluelessness that they were first years), and I will NOT move. (Actual words: "You know I'd really rather not move.")
And they have the gall to say: "But -- you don't have this room reserved, do you?" "This room seats about 50." (Translation into real message: "Why won't you move to make our lives easier?" "What's your problem, 'ho?")
So I get a little annoyed, and say, "That's not how it generally works. It's first-come, first-serve." (Translation: "Step off, bitches!")
"So you're the only one who gets to use this room?" (Translation: "So you're the only one who gets to use this room, 'ho?")
"No, it's just first-come, first-serve. Look, did you ask the guy across the hall if he's okay with someone sitting with him? Or whether he would move?" (Translation: "Listen, you little snot-nosed, self-entitled, self-absorbed idiot, don't come in here and mouth off to your betters! You thought you could ask the quiet Asian girl to move and she'd do it, huh? Well, UP YOURS.")
"Listen, we're just wasting our time." (Translation: "This girl is a total and complete asshole and we need to get her out of our faces.")
"Sorry, guys." (Translation: "Get lost, you little sub-human creeps.")
And they left. And I fumed. And then I studied. Kind of. For a little while. But I'm going back to it! Right now.
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