Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rested and raging

Rested? Well, sure, why not? If you skipped class three days last week and watched ABC shows online in your dark room while playing hooky, AND did absolutely no work at clinical five days last week, you might feel rested too. Even though you did read bankruptcy from 4:30 pm to 1:30 am last night. (No joke. It was sad. But Dunkin' Donuts coffee is an amazing stimulant!) The running yesterday and today helped too. Exercise is KEY.

One Armed Maggie was in town this weekend on a business trip, staying at Def and Stave's house, and so we all had brunch this morning, which was pretty awesome. See, I do get out and enjoy life sometimes.

This afternoon, though, I was almost unreasonably incensed by someone in Student Org #1. She was supposed to get something done by Oct. 15, and because I knew she had forgotten about this task, I had reminded her to do it on Oct. 3. I'd put it out of my mind, when today this person emailed a couple of us to ask how to finish the task.

Dear lord: why do I have to deal with sub-humans?

So I pretty nicely say, you could do it this way for these people who are supposed to receive the product, but for the others, you might have to track them down at a meeting later. In the spring, to avoid having to track down those people, you may want to consider doing this by the middle of the month, which is what we did last year. I think that also helps other people learn names. Thanks. [paraphrased so as not to be too detailed]

And the little snot writes back, thanks, hk. Sorry for the delay! Neither my co-director nor I remembered that our org did this until we were told about it on Oct. 14!

Oooh, you cannot imagine my rage. I wrote to my co-leader, "I want to hurt someone right now. I sent them an effin' email about this task on Oct. 3. It takes about one hour to do it. I effin' HATE it when people don't do what they're supposed to do AND make up a lame excuse for it. HATE."

God. It's not enough that the idiot forgot to do something we told her to do last year, when we were passing on the duties of her position. No. She has to wait two weeks after the last day it would even have much use to ASK US HOW TO DO IT. And then out and out LIE about not knowing until the day before it was supposed to get done.

My blood boils just at the thought of it. My co-leader wrote back to me, "Wow, I think that is the most irate I have ever seen you." Yeah, it probably is. But I really can't stand it when people lie to cover their asses -- when they're not responsible enough to get something done, and not adult enough to take responsbility for it when it doesn't get done.

I think this partly is why I hate Crimson Law School so much. All the students and faculty are "smart," okay? They test really, really well; they are fantastically articulate and intellectual; they can be passionate and driven. But some of them? They lack -- I can't decide if it's maturity or common sense. Certainly this person lacks both. And it's not just a function of age -- she's frickin' 25 years old! It's more a function of having been in school your whole life, excelling and being petted, not having to deal with the consequences of fucking up because you've never really fucked up in a situation that mattered to anyone else. The interns I went out with on Friday night, who go to a local law school? They would have had the common sense and decency to realize their mistake and apologize. And they would have done better the next time. They would not have made up a weak-ass excuse composed in a passive-aggressive "why are you picking on me?" tone.

Now. Here's the kicker. This person is also the person that Mr. Destroyer told me he was dating -- he also called her a "moron," because she had no idea about what life was like. I can't help but wonder, a little sadly, if I'm more enraged than I would normally be about her behavior because Mr. Destroyer told me they went out on a few dates.

Hm. On second thought -- no. I'm just angry on principle. I believe that if you fuck up, you own up to it. You say you're sorry and you pledge to do better the next time -- not just in words, but in intent. The fact that she lacks common sense, maturity, and a sense of responsibility just makes me think less of Mr. Destroyer. Seriously, dude. How did you go from dating the She-Destroyer, who is, yes, fucked up in the head, admittedly, but is also forthright, articulate, passionate, beautiful, intellectual, and responsible, to this snot-nosed kid?

Whew. Rage, dude. Inner rage.