In lieu of a real post
I present... a morning glory:

Although, now that I'm here...
I haven't heard from Seattle firm or govt agency yet. I was sitting at dinner on Tuesday, with half a pumpkin ale already down the hatch, when Resident Evil* suggested I flip a coin to decide which job to take. "Flip a coin and say that you're going to stick to whatever it comes down as. Then check with yourself if you want to flip it again." (And that worked so well in Vietnam.)
"I kind of hope I don't get the jobs, so that I won't have to decide," I told her. She cocked her head and said, "Well, that's kind of a sign too, don't you think?" Resident Evils are smart.
I've been skipping class -- skipped bankruptcy yesterday and corporations today -- and have been enjoying the time off, albeit in a depressed sort of way. Instead of going to bankruptcy yesterday, I sat in bed in a darkened room with the shades drawn and watched episodes of Lost on Damn you, ABC, and your addictive television shows that I must watch online! Someone from maintenance came by to fix my heater in the middle of the third episode, and I was all, "Um, excuse the darkness and the smell of the ramen in the room, please. I'm just indulging my depressive side. Yes, I am depressed. Because law school sucks, okay? Don't judge me, dammit!"
This morning, I lay in bed and thought about getting up for an hour before actually doing so, then put on one article of gym clothing at a time over the space of another hour before actually getting on the entire ensemble and heading out to the treadmill in the basement. God. Why do I have zero energy these days?
Of course, I have excess energy NOW, at 11 pm, because I had a cup of coffee at 3:30 with my supervisor from last year's clinical, for whom I am basically spying on the inner workings of the state agency he has to bring cases in front of. I actually felt a little bad about this. But hey, I was pretty up front with the agency folks in my clinical proposal that I thought of this as an exercise in how to improve the agency. And my supervisor is just so nice and lovely. Mm. It's true. I have inappropriate thoughts about him. (Shoot. Did I write that out loud?)
Anyway. He strongly encouraged me to take his course in the spring, "because [I] would have such a unique perspective," and that he'd be willing to let me have any clinical placement I wanted. So, you know, I probably will end up taking it, because when was the last time any teacher here expressed any interest in my career development? The Turtle remains the only person at law school who has made me feel like I could actually be a lawyer.
And last in the news for today, I became the ham**, and I am going to Vietnam in December with the Ringleted One.
* Resident Evil = the Resident Advisor on the first floor of my dorm
** Be the Ham! = See, you have a plate of ham and eggs. And the chicken, she's just donated the eggs -- she hasn't really committed. But the pig? The pig is committed, my friend. The pig is there. The pig isn't going away.(Thanks, Grey's Anatomy, for that disturbing metaphor tonight. Hey, as long it's all free range, it's cool by me.)
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