Saturday, May 06, 2006

Taking a "break" from "studying"
(or, Being Unable to Get to Studying On This, the Fourth Day of Con Law Review, When I Should be Wrapping Up But Have Not Even Gotten Around to Reviewing Religion or Speech Yet, and Yes, I am Totally F****d, So What?)

So here I am, reading a horn book (study guide) for con law and trying not to freak out as the words blur before my eyes and I struggle to make sense of what fundamental rights we have, and it occurs to me -- what is it with the 40-something-year-old men right now?

Not only am I currently obssessed with Stephen Colbert (call me, sugar! anytime! really!), I must also admit to an embarrassing crush on The Turtle, my supervisor from this term's internship. Who has the same first name. Same initials. 40-something. Tall. Slender build. Liberal. Married. And has 3 kids! The similarities are astounding. (Or at least, interesting.) (Er, to me, anyway.) (Oh, shut up.)

I had my in-person evaluation with The Turtle yesterday morning, and after some reassuring words about my work, he looked at me and asked, "So what do you want to do with your life?" (Just like Professor Inspirata earlier this term! You professor/instructor types need to stop that shit now -- you're gonna make me think people at this school care or something.)

I was so taken aback that I started laughing, and stuttered out, "Um, be a good person? Achieve some modicum of happiness? Do more good than harm?"

And then we talked about choices and difficulties and getting off the wheel and what I really wanted to be doing, and it was, like, a conversation with an adult. A real person. Who was interested in what I was saying, had some good, sensible things to say back, and is interested in what happens to me.

So... Was that actually a nice conversation with a person I connected with? Or is law school totally degrading my expectations of people? Am I just in need of a boyfriend? Will I ever stop procrastinating and get back to con law?

Just one more week, and it will all be over. Well, except my history paper, and packing up all my shit, and moving to New York. I'm going to drive down with a friend who's renting a mini-van to move his shit and a couple other people's shit down there. Whee! Should be fun. But oh, so many miles to go before I start my cush summer job where a welcome breakfast will be waiting for me on the 15th at 9:30 am. So many, many miles.