Saturday, March 25, 2006

Spring break!

The first day of spring break, and oh, what a joyous day it's been!

10:30 am: wake up (that, at least, is good -- needed the sleep)
11:30 am: get to library. Read con law.
2:30 pm: lunch! Except -- school cafeteria is closed for spring break. Boo.
4:30 pm: back to library. Read, read, read. Are you ever so bored by what you are reading that you want to cry? And then realize that you are behind at least 300 pages of dense legal opinions and law review-type mental masturbatory discourse and that if you read every single minute of this spring "break" you would still not finish? And then further realize that doing well on the final -- which poses a hypothetical case and asks you to write a legal opinion in the style of one of the justices AND write another opinion for another case -- probably has nothing to do with the reading? And does this ever make you want to jump out of one of the windows of your extremely posh and state-of-the-art law library? Just asking.
7 pm: run off to meet out-of-town friends, before meeting a different set of out-of-town friends at 9 pm.

Con law book, I will melt you. That is, if my brain survives the melting process it undergoes everytime it encounters you.