Friday, March 24, 2006

Number Thirty

I had a great 30th birthday, even though I was and am suffering from some allergy/cold-flu-s sickness that manifests in violent sneezing, sniffling, fatigue and malaise. To wit:

- Went to clinical and conducted a meeting with a client (if by "conducted a meeting" you mean "stumbled through the possibility of settling a claim until I was completely stymied, at which point my supervisor took over")
- Happy hour at clinical at 4, which was a bit lame because most people are gone for spring break already, but followed by several students sitting around and discussing race and the Parody (more on that later), which was really fascinating and perhaps helpful
- Cambodia reading group at 7:30, which was far more fantastic than I could have hoped, given that many of the kiddies hadn't read, and some were there clearly just for the food. This was the brainchild of one of the clinical supervisors me and my co-leader for Student Org 2 work with -- he suggested a series of reading-group-style meetings about our project, and although the project fell through, we loved the reading group idea and went through with it. Because I'd read the book and suggested it, I sort of led the discussion, but I barely had to lead besides interjecting a question or comment here and there, because there were enough people who wanted to talk about the book and the history and the politics and the upcoming tribunal to really all teach each other. Yay!
- The crowning glory -- a party that Joiner threw for me, complete with Betty Crocker cake she made and green frosting spelling out Happy Birthday, hk. They even had a drink for me and my sniffles -- the hk, a vodka-and-Immunity Defense-orange-juice combo. The hk! The drink that launched a thousand ships. A number of people showed up, ranging from the Project Runway girls to the friendly LLM in the hall to the hallmates of last year to Mr. Destroyer (Ms. Destroyer called during the singing of the birthday song to say she was sorry she couldn't make it) to Friend to Squashman to Def and Stave, whom I especially applaud for coming down to the basement of the dorm and hanging with the kiddies on a school night. I had been of 2 minds about celebrating in this fashion, but it was great fun. Joiner is the definition of a good friend.
- And of course, all the birthday wishes from friends and family around the country.

Dang, I'm 30! Laissez le bon temps rouler!