Sunday, March 19, 2006

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

10 days ago, someone stole my keys.

Yesterday, my computer stopped working.

Tomorrow, who knows?

After calling Apple -- Apparently, one of my picture files is corrupted. The computer repairperson I spoke to on the phone suggested I take all my files off the hard drive, completely rebuild the OS, and add all my files back in groups to try to isolate the problem file. Considering that I have easily 10,000 pictures on the hard drive, this is not a feasible option.

Agh. It's 4 pm on Sunday and I have yet to:
- finish capital punishment reading (she IS on crack -- 130 pages over 2 days),
- start the research I stupidly took on for a professor
- upload examples of bad and good historical writing for my history class
- touch the con law reading for the past 2 weeks or the stuff I need to read for panel on Wednesday
- do anything except go for a run, shower, and read 15 pages of capital punishment

Bad stuff:
- keys, computer, all the crap that needs to get done, mother coming for spring break, needing to find a place for the summer, taxes, consolidating loans, getting a work visa when I can't find my passport, being on panel in con law on Wednesday and not having started reading the 300 pages of briefs for panel
- clinical supervisor saying on Friday, "Hey, it's the last weekend of your 20s!" Thanks.
- Ms. Destroyer getting all up in Joiner's face about some position in some organization they do; likewise for getting all up in another friend's face about some joke she (the friend) pulled on her.
- Mr. Destroyer totally leading a friend on, said friend reciprocating, me having to straighten her out on Mr. Destroyer's M.O.
- research for a scarily smart professor, on top of everything else. Luckily, not legal research, but possibly worse -- social science research.
- spring? it's 40 freaking degrees out there!
- spring break, but spring "break" = research for prof, catching up on 500 pages of con law, hosting Mom, going down to NYC to look for apartments.

Good stuff:
- an amusing interchange from last week's law school Parody:
"It's either total corporate whoredom, or public interest poor-dom."
[Small voice from the audience: "It's true."]

- con law reading group on Friday night, which consisted of getting together with people to discuss a book written by Justice Breyer. Still can't believe it. It's like what everyone thinks Crimson Law Students do all the time, instead of what we really do, which is lay about watching Project Runway and American Idol and complaining about the lack of free coffee after 12 noon.
- good midterm eval from my clinical supervisor, who is the first lawyer I've worked with who makes me feel like I could actually be a lawyer.
- uh, birthday, I guess. (Oh shit, need to get bday presents for bigbro and Auntie E!)