Wednesday, March 01, 2006

'nuther glas?

yeah, probably not. just a vodka martini and a muscat later, and i'm all silly and happy. not-gay boyrfiend? just plain not-boyfeidn. and mr. Destoryer? fun! especially over drinks. he got back togehter with mrs. destroyer this winter and then borke up and she apparently said, "yo, i shoulda listened to hk when she told me not to get together with you again" -- which i ttotally didn't even tell her, but would have. cause he's a destroyer! what do you expect? and he did say, "i know that's why you don't trust me, but " --- um, actually, i forget what he said after that. i'm just amused that he remembers me saying that i don't trust him. which i don't. but then i made him ride me home on the crossbar of his bike. whee! too drunk to care and loving it. joiner says i'm her hero. i'm my hero too. way to take sour grapes (not-boyfriend) and make em into sweet sweet oblivion -- er, liquor. woo!