Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Oh, that crazy dean of students!

I must admit, our dean of students really makes me laugh sometimes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006
From: Dean of Students
To: Students
RE: Wellness Wednesdays

Our attempts to promote wellness at the law school through programming have failed. Students report that they are too stressed, too tired, or too overbooked to attend sessions on stress, sleep or nutrition.

So here is Plan B - Wellness Wednesdays.

Every other Wednesday this semester, the Wellness Committee and our office will be tabling in the [Student Center] from 12 to 2 (there will be some shameless promotion so it will be hard to miss). We will have guest experts on hand to answer questions or give demonstrations.

Come and pick up some literature, ask questions, or get some free food and giveaways.

The topics and dates are below. We are open to other suggestions. You can email us at wellness@[crimsonlaw].edu.

February 8--Nutrition

February 22nd--Sleep

March 8th--Safety

March 22nd--Alcohol

April 5th--Fitness

April 19th--Stress