Friday, February 24, 2006

Random shit in my head right now

(1) A few weeks ago, I was apparently on the front page of the law school paper (a pathetic little rag), in a group picture of New Orleans volunteers that the pro bono office had asked me to send in. I mention this because: 1. they didn't credit any of the 5 photos of mine they used (add unprofessional to pathetic), and 2. it spawned this hilarious email from Irina, a classmate and friend who knows about Not-Gay Boyfriend (and pegged him as not-gay from the beginning):
Well, you know absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I am expecting major fireworks on Tuesday. When I saw him today, I thought, "oh it's [hk]'s dude."

Honestly, I have a good feeling about this. I think he saw your pic in the [school paper], and thought to himself, “Self, not only is this chick hot, but she is also a do – gooder. Must up my meds and ask her out.”

Still dying of laughter.

(2) At the office today, wrote up a draft response to the opposition's interrogatories (questions you are required to respond to before a trial starts -- even if the answer is "I object to your question"), which means I cut and pasted from other similar documents, and hunted for some answers in a very long deposition transcript. Have no idea what I'm doing, but it sounds impressive, don't it?

(3) Have recently realized that I have unusually sharp incisors, which means that several times a year, I bite the inside of my lip and cause a sore. And since the area is inflamed, I of course close my teeth on it accidentally again and again. The whole left side of my face hurts right now. Ow.

(4) Speaking of hurting, I saw the doctor yesterday for a hypochondriac's check-up -- I wanted to rule out any physical basis for the fatigue and the blues and the general malaise lately I've been experiencing. As suspected, my lungs sound clear, my BP is fine, my eyes and ears check out, and I seem quite healthy. I can go get a blood test to rule out anemia, but I could also just eat a steak, I suppose.

(5) I was recently invited into a reading group by a woman who is scarily elegant and pulled together in dress, looks, and attitude. We've shared a couple classes together (and are now in two classes together this term), but I was still somewhat baffled by her invitation. I can't help but be flattered, though, and RSVP'd yes, pleased. We're going to read two books, by two Supreme Court justices, and discuss 'em. And so I found myself reading the newest book by Breyer on the train today, and marveled at it. It's actually kind of interesting and not too difficult to follow (unlike the Court's decisions).

Does this mean I am interested in con law? Or law in general? Or the Supreme Court (where Double M's brother-in-law just interviewed a few days ago for a clerkship -- good for him)?

Uh, no. But I do occasionally get a glimpse of the student I could be -- if only I were interested in the subject enough.

(6) Just started reading a really great book this week, actually: Walking with the Wind, a history of the civil rights movement as seen by one man, John Lewis. Very entertaining so far, and written in such a personal, engaging story-telling style. If all histories were written like this, I wouldn't be dragging myself through the background reading for my Puritans class. It's not actually badly written, and I do think I just like the US civil rights period better, but given a choice...

(7) Okay, exhausted (slept terribly last night, don't know why). Off to the c.i. tomorrow evening, for a very quick errand. Back Saturday night. Hopefully I will be good and read on the bus. (Oh, the bus! I did get so used to taking the shuttle and cabs all around in the fall, when I was doing the firm interviews.)