Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My first MeMe
(because I really don't want to read about PTSD)

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Paralegal at the Justice Department
2. Gofer at an exhibit design firm (researched sequoias, elephants, and dung beetles -- my work on the last of which is immortalized in bronze casts all around the elephant rotunda in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History)
3. Editor at a DC-based publishing company (became intimate with appropriations subcommittee reports and wrote volumes about federal funding for non-profits and education)
4. Cashier and book clerk at an independent bookstore (where I read amazing books like Invisible Man and Timbuktu for free, as well as, uh, Cosmo)

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
This is a hard one. I used to watch movies over and over, but I rarely do now. I have watched Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally probably at least 10 times, but I probably wouldn't pick them to watch now. Thus, I ran out of movies by #3...

1. Casablanca (I had to. It was the only video -- besides Kosovo: The True Story -- that was in the apartment I subletted during my very poor summer of 1995, but I have seen it several times since then, and still adore it)
2. Aliens (the best, most kick-ass monster movie ever)
3. Matrix I (although really, only the lobby scene)
4. Zoolander (maybe. I've seen it once, and found myself laughing til I cried, but I haven't actually watched it again)

Four Places I've Lived
Only four? I had lived in four by third grade. Very well:

1. Seoul, Korea
2. San Francisco
3. Santa Barbara
4. Los Angeles (the Valley, to be exact)

Including summers, I've also lived in: New Haven, New York, Anchorage, Washington DC, and now, Crimson City.

Four TV Shows I Like or Have Liked
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Twin Peaks
3. The X-Files
4. Grey's Anatomy

Four Places I've Been on Vacation
1. Southeast Asia
2. Western Europe
3. Puerto Rico
4. Philadelphia

Four Blogs I Visit Daily
Pretty much only Lecturess and Tomato Nation.

Four of My Favorite Foods
1. Korean barbequed pork and soju (okay, it's a meal, not a food)
2. Green tea ice cream
3. Chili cheese fries and chili cheese half smoke at Ben's Chili Bowl
4. Pho

Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. Any foreign city or town with a good travel buddy and time and money to spare
2. Alaska, in the summer
3. On the beach (preferably in a warm tropical locale, as it's 30 degrees outside now, but any beach would do)
4. Hiking or camping in the mountains, in good weather, with friends

Four Albums I Can't Live Without
1. Nina Simone, The Blues
2. Miles Davis, Kind of Blue
3. Sam Cooke, Night Beat
4. Dido, Life for Rent

Four Vehicles I've Owned
I've never actually owned a vehicle, though in high school I drove a Jeep Cherokee.