Thursday, January 05, 2006

Was a Good Student today, reading all the material for tomorrow in the afternoon, which freed me up for dinner with my roommate from the summer. She showed me her album of photos, and we reminisced about that magical, glorious Alaskan summer.

And then we gossiped about the guy she's seeing, and about Not-Gay Boyfriend, and it was quite fun.

Some of her friends made a very funny but pointed spoof of a music video about Asian American men, which you can see here. You should really watch it. Who said law students weren't creative?

Roommate is already writing her 3L paper this winter term (short stories), building on her independent project from last year (short stories). I admire people so directed about their pursuits. And she considers herself unfocused!

Was thinking about how impatient I am with Not-Gay Boyfriend, and realized that in normal world time, a week after the holidays isn't such a long time to wait for a not-date. But somehow, in school time, everything speeds up, and a week after the holidays seems like an interminably long, uninterested time to wait to see someone. I guess.

(Mr. Stave, I know you advised me not to overthink it -- but overthinking is so fun!)