Monday, January 09, 2006

Update on the not-date

Confirmed: Not-Gay Boyfriend, as his pseudonym implied hopefully but not confidently, is not gay.

Realized: Not-Gay Boyfriend and I have a good time hanging out.

Realized with some dismay (read on): I like Not-Gay Boyfriend.

Invited: To a semi-regular outing that Not-Gay Boyfriend and his friends do on Wednesdays at a local pub.

Discovered: Not-Gay Boyfriend broke up with his girlfriend of 3 years in December.

Thinking: Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit!

And in the other news, I had a really lovely day (minus the whole discovery of the rebound thing, if it is a rebound, and who fucking knows WHAT it is).

8:00 -- woke up
9:00 -- went to the gym and watched half of a 24 episode while burning 260 calories
10:30 -- went to class, learned about assisted suicide
1:30 -- ate lunch
2:30 -- read for class
5:30 -- went to dinner with Not-Gay Boyfriend
7:00 -- went to the library and did research for an hour and a half
8:45 -- came home and shot the shit with Joiner
11:30 -- sleep

I do love the learning and the researching and the hanging out with people I like. What a perfect day.