Saturday, November 26, 2005

Not much to report the past few days. Have been trying to catch up on legal history reading this holiday weekend, and have finished some of what I really needed to read.

Such lofty goals, such disappointing results. I was supposed to have gone through the firm materials and made up a decision matrix. I utterly failed in that -- did about 2 hours worth of work and "research" on on Friday, and haven't touched the big pile of promo stuff since. I was also supposed to have read five or six assignments I missed for legal history, and I am just shy of completing four. Haven't touched evidence yet.

On the other hand, I went to see the new Pride and Prejudice with Double M's family tonight, and that was a nice break from law. The movie isn't quite right -- it treats the Lizzie-Darcy romance far too seriously, with sad tinkling classical piano music at every corner. It wasn't an angst fest! It wasn't a woe-is-me! woe-is-me!-type dark brooding romance! It's about warmth and wit and laughter, and the movie hit the tragedy bell waaaaaay too often. Also -- Keira is pretty and all, but 57 close-ups of that face in as many minutes is TOO MUCH. Stop with the caressing close-ups!

Tomorrow I go back to NYC, and visit another firm, to get my ticket back to Crimson City.