Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I opened the blackout curtains this morning and said, "Hello, Mr. Sun!" It was a crisp fall day, the kind of day where every outline of every building is etched against the sky, and the massive towers of Wall Street form a sublime vertical counterpart to the curves and horizontal lines of the Brooklyn Bridge as you whiz down FDR Drive in a cab at 10 in the morning, arriving -- most unusually -- at the recommended 10 minutes before the interview.

The sun changes everything. Long live the sun! Although it's probably a vast conspiracy to make me think that Mighty Big Firm #1 today, which has a fairly bad reputation as a firm of screamers and a sweatshop, was really not so bad, and that all the people at Mighty Big Firm #1 today were pretty chill.

I actually received an on-the-spot offer from them, which took me totally aback. Apparently one interviewer was pleased enough to say, "You can put her in the office next to me!" I was later told, by old college bud Mr. Rocks, who works at Mighty Big Firm #1, that that was the firm's modus operandi: if you don't get an offer on the spot, you aren't getting one. He and his office mate had had a few moments of anxiety, since they were taking me out to lunch -- what if hk didn't get an offer? What would they talk about at lunch? It's a good thing I didn't know about this M.O.

But I got an offer, at which I burst out, "Oh my GOD, really?" like the suave sophisticate I am, and got taken to a super duper fancy Chinese restaurant, where I got a nice orchid for my lapel and ate $60 worth of food, including some superb Hunan shrimp. Thank goodness I have an exception for seafood in my cage-free vegetarianism.

Mighty Big Firm #2 today wasn't as good -- very genteel, polite firm with a considerable commitment to pro bono (one associate said she probably devoted 35% of her time to pro bono), but I didn't really click with anyone.

Because that callback involved late afternoon coffee with someone (I swear, this whole process is like dating), I left the office at 7:30 pm. Got back to my hotel and wrote up my impressions, talked with MattSal for an hour, talked with Joiner, then dove into what would be two hours of email work related to Student Org #2. And now it's 12:30 am and I really, really look forward to sleeping.