Sunday, October 16, 2005

I returned to Crimson City last night to find that Def and Stave had had their bid on a beautiful single family home accepted that day. Congrats to Def and Stave! It's truly a beautiful place.

Too tired to do anything, I went to sleep around midnight and woke up today at 10. Still tired. Maybe I have mono.

Am in the library, ostensibly to do my Evidence reading for the week. It's cloudy but rainless and bright today. A cool, crisp New England day. Joiner and I thought about going apple picking, but decided against it because of the high winds. I feel restless, though, like the winds are bringing in something.

It was a bad Friday, you know. The weather, the bland people, the saturation of mindless spending, the effort to be pleasant and agreeable while battling sinus pressure and congestion. I was as gloomy as the weather when I walked out of Mighty Big Firm #2's offices that afternoon. Where had I gone wrong? Why hadn't I listened to my gut? Why had I decided to do this corporate thing in the biggest and baddest corporate capital of them all? It was all wrong, everything was off and forced and not of the lord.

Now? I just don't know. I don't know anything.

I went to see the public interest advisor last Wednesday, and she said she thought I should split the summer and try a non-traditional legal job. What that means, I'm not sure. "If you decide to do something that doesn't involve law or legal skills at all, then yes, maybe it was a mistake to come here," she said. "But I'm not convinced that that's the case yet." Yeah, okay. We'll give it the old college try.