Thursday, May 12, 2005

Am drowning in finals studying, so hence -- lack of entries. Sorry, but not as sorry as I am. Wait... did that make sense? Clearly not.

I finished up going over my crim notes today and skimmed over a practice test, which was SO. HARD. Like, IM. POSS. IBLE. And that's not including the incredibly short word limits -- the damn questions were as long as the desired answers, I kid you not. Man, I got a baaaad feeling about this.

Have spent the past five days going over crim, so tomorrow I MUST move onto torts, which is on Monday. Ah, torts. If only I liked econ and philosophy. I'd be loving that class. Malheureusement, mes petites chou-chous (my little nightmares?), I hate both -- econ was my only pass-fail class in college (and I used to steal the answers for problem sets from Mr. Rocks) and I never took philosophy (which in retrospect was a damn good idea). I think I have less patience for theory as I get older. I just want to take Theory by the shoulders and tell it to "Shut UP! Get REAL!" while shaking it violently and periodically bitch-slapping it.

Panic, panic, panic. Stress pains have set in already (manifested as roving painful spots on my head and occasional twinges in the neck and ears). But otherwise, it's okay. Still four days til the first final, after all. Plenty of time to really learn negligence theory, strict liability, and uh, whatever else torts is about. Insurance? Ah, who freakin' needs that stuff? Me and big bro grew up without medical insurance, actually, which sounds horrifying, I know, but when you never had a broken bone or tonsilitis or anything worse than a scratch, you don't think of insurance as all that. We were lucky kids. Or careful. Not sure which.

I AM sure I need to stop blabbing on here and get me to bed. Torts awaits in the morn.