Sunday, April 17, 2005

Went on A Certain Ethnic Law Students Association's boat cruise last night, which was surprisingly jolly and fun and at which I drank a fair amount, resulting in drunken knocking on Friend's door when I got back to the dorm, which resulted in another maddening and overly analytic conversation about the nature of certainty and knowledge (i.e., the idea of instant, instinctive knowledge about the rightness of a decision versus the gradual acculturation of a new idea), which included me drunkenly and imperiously demanding, "Don't you know who I am? Don't you know how goddam lucky you are?" and which resulted in me going to bed (alone) at 3 am or so.

This morning, then, it was not so pleasant to be woken up at 10 am from drooling, delicious, much-needed sleep by a commanding knock on the door. I fumbled for my glasses and opened the door to find suffering. It was in the form of a classmate who is having a doozy of a break-up, and who seems to have no one else to confide in. So I canceled my plans to go out with Gen (not once but twice -- first to move plans to noon and then to cancel them altogether), and listened and tried the best I could to be a soothing dampening rod to a shaken, agitated and teary reactive core.

Around 2 or so, my classmate left, and I cast about for something to do in order to avoid work. Ended up going out to a 12-ounce Bloody Mary brunch with Joiner, and strolling around in the sun, shopping. Very pleasant. I took a nap after all that hard work and liquor, and woke up at 8 pm. With an 8- to 10-page paper due tomorrow at noon. That I have not written a single word of. Am. So. Very. Fucked.

But I wouldn't change a thing about this weekend. Well, I suppose I should have danced at the semi-formal on Friday night when Joiner asked me to (she was worried I wasn't having a good time), and not made such a big deal about not wanting to dance, but otherwise, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Oh, except the creepy phone call at 5 am yesterday. And the unsatisfying talks with Friend. Oh, all right. It's spring, and the sun and warmth have gotten into my brain, requiring me to forgive all and smile like a fool.