Wednesday, December 29, 2004

After three days of dreary, soggy weather, the sun lit up bigbro's apartment this morning with cheery insouciance, like, "Oh, me? I've been around! What -- rain? You don't say! Well, now, doesn't that just beat all?"

Bigbro, J1, and a gaggle of friends left yesterday for the delights of Mexico, leaving me to struggle with the finer points of the Erie doctrine by myself in their apartment. With loaded pantry and fridge. And car. and cell phone. And money for the week. And quarters for the laundry. And cable TV. And yoga clothes. And the gargantuan task of retrieving the mail once a day.

Oh, I could get used to this.

As I was telling Double M yesterday during one of our accountability sessions (for finals and dissertation, respectively), I don't regret any of the choices I've made since college in terms of switching jobs or going to Korea or whatnot. But this week I've looked around the apartment from time to time and thought, "This is so nice." It would be nice to be settled in one place for a while. Have time to create decorative pieces and collect distinctive stemware. Wake up in a bed meant for more than one person. Build a network of close friends in the same area.

It's been a hectic, crazy few months, coming back from Korea and belly-flopping into law school. A little peace (and ability to control what's on the TV) is what I'm after. Despite the studying, it's almost do-able here.