Sunday, December 19, 2004

I had to use my big suitcase, seeing as how I don't have a smaller one, and it's all books, plus about three shirts and some underwear. And socks. And practice exams and a law dictionary and class handouts and two job notebooks and lions and tigers and bears.

Oh my.

I'm fond of a few people in my hall, and the last two left this morning, leaving me defenseless. You know, against law school. But fortunately, going to the gym is good for about two hours, and eating lunch took about an hour, and then I had to sort of rush to get in two hours of reading before meeting a section mate for the College's 95th Christmas Carol Services. Great stuff, the service -- long on the music and short on the praying, which is the way we like it. My classmate and I had to sit on the floor, Memorial Church was so crowded. The front part of the church was an explosion of poinsettias -- I seriously have never seen so many in one place in my life. The congregation was invited to sing along with several of the songs, including my all-time favorite carol, "O Come All Ye Faithful." In Latin.

It was pretty awesome, I tell ya. These days only music seems to get through the miasma of unfocused anxiety and low-level resentment, and there were a few moments when I actually felt kind of Christmas-y.

I had planned on getting several hours of studying in today but the hours leaked away from me. After services and dinner, I headed back to the dorm and did laundry and packed. Watched "Desperate Housewives" while folding clothes warm from the dryer. And suddenly it's nearly midnight, and I only got in 2 or 3 hours of studying. I sincerely hope this isn't going to be the case at home.

Ah, home. It's a nice concept. There's such a cult of home and holidays this time of year, it does make me a bit envious of the kids who are going home to parents and pine trees and presents. For the second year in a row, I'm not spending Christmas with either parent. Hm. At least this year I'll be with big bro and J1. Last year -- I can scarcely believe it -- I was in Cambodia for Christmas day, sweating in 90 degree heat and watching geckos hang out on the ceiling of an internet cafe in Phnom Penh. That wasn't so bad either. In fact, it was pretty amazing.

I had an amusing if trying day yesterday -- must tell you about it some time. But for now, I think I'll sign off and crawl into bed. I'll try not to think about the last nagging errands for tomorrow morning, or worry about having missed something big I have to do before leaving here. Here, where I've been without a break for nearly four months. God, I've 'most forgotten that there are other places besides here. And here is where I'll return in two weeks, and dear lord, I do hope I will have civil procedure, contracts, and property seared into my brain properly by then.