Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'm in a conference room in one of the law school buildings, accompanied by no more than my laptop, Property book, a hundred pages of cases for my open memo, and the low hum of the lights above, for two reasons: one, One-Armed Maggie suggested I scope out a place where I could study and not freak out a la my recent library excursions; and two, my 24-year-old hallmate told me that he was not inviting me to the library to study with him anymore because "all we do when we study is screw around." It's fun, he hastily added, but he needed to get work done.


Well, this is not the library and I just got a useful hour's work of reading done but I can just feel that this open memo is not going to happen tonight.

No! It will get done, dammit. It's a freakin' non-graded class, for heaven's sake, and I will rap out another draft tonight if it kills me.

Got called on in my Civil Procedure class today. Some hypotheticals about Rule 19 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. I knew a couple answers, and just flat-out gave up on the others: "I don't remember." "I'm not sure." "I don't know." Yeah. I was awesome all right.

I'm not so concerned about the embarrassment factor because I am so tired, but I am a little concerned about how much I don't know about Civil Procedure. Have I mentioned that I'm not sleeping well? I wake up after 5 hours or so and fall asleep only fitfully for an hour or two after. Every morning there are big dark circles under my eyes, and I think, "Damn. I'm too old for this crap. This crap is making me age faster. Wait. Which is it? Ehhhhh."

One redeeming moment about Civil Procedure today -- we went over the practice exam and I think I hit most of the major points, enough to collect my B and go home. This uplifting moment was somewhat deflated by the fact that I took twice as long to do the practice exam as was allotted, and the practice exam question was "a little easier" than the exam will be. Thanks, professor.

Oh, and for the non sequitur record: the thought winged by earlier as I read property laws about marriage and how to split up property in divorce -- this will never be me. It will never be me because I am going to be alone forever while my friends get married and live happily ever after. And I will definitely be eaten by Alsatiens. A pack of them.


Tired. Would like to sleep now... will work for an hour on this memo and go back to the dorm.