Monday, March 22, 2004

Kickin' it with the BC in Seoul... yeah.

I actually woke up an hour after our beloved BC did, leaving her to the mercies of my grandmothers, who communicated that I was asleep in their room (I moved there after my great-aunt started cooking breakfast at 6:30 am, waking me up in the living room). I then left BC to her own devices in order to go to work (the inconvenience of it all!), but she of course was just fine, ignoring my phone calls to chat with the cute Kiwi who was the only other person on the English tour of Gyungbokgung Palace... just kidding, BC! Don't hurt me.

As might be expected, I was late in picking up BC at the airport last night, which I am very, very sorry about (you think I'd have learned from the situation with Wendy... but no...). Like the resourceful Wendy, BC also had the information desk at the airport call my cell phone, but, forewarned by the incident with Wendy, BC actually had my number on me, negating the need to look up this blog on the information desk person's computer. Ah, BC! She is so resourceful. And she knows me too well.

After work, I was again late in meeting up in Insadong (see a pattern here? no? good). After a few misfires in searching for a suitable restaurant, I decided that a BBQ place was worthy, and we tucked into some pork and soju. Yum. BC eats kimchee and beanpaste stew like a champ. She is, as we have always suspected, a Korean girl.

After the soju, we strolled through the main drag of Insadong, getting distracted at various points. Okay, specifically at points where shiny things were visible. Because BC? She is a bird. And those are her words, not mine.

I managed to find the dong-dong-ju house that I went to with my classmates after our picnic -- the one with the low claustrophobia-inducing ceilings and basins of liquor -- and we managed to put a bowl or two away before the jet-lag kicked in. The place was full of students and businessmen and the odd married couple, and completely different from the chilly, empty room of of two weeks ago. Which was still awesome, mind you. Just not as lively.

Finally hit home about an hour ago, and am now off to bed. Tomorrow we're going on the USO tour to the DMZ and the infiltration tunnels. I'll write when we get back from the scariest place on earth. If I can. Mwah hah hah!

Er, sorry. Tipsy 'n all.