Thursday, March 11, 2004

Just fatigue now

Sleep debt. As yet unpaid. And the Sandman, he don't leave you alone til you pony up.

Since Monday, I've been running just to keep up with various responsibilities, which I'd of course shirked like there was no tomorrow all of last week. Since moodily sitting around in a cafe on Monday night, moping about KB's departure, it's basically been non-stop work: On Tuesday, I half-heartedly prepared for a speech I delivered today in class about not wanting to have children (during the research for which I found a site run by the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement -- check it out!); yesterday I had a ton of work at work, which kept me there til 7 pm; and right now, in fact, I should be editing a paper that I said I'd deliver tomorrow, which means I'll be up for another three hours, at least.

Tired. And, to tell the truth, a little sad and unsettled, probably because I'm tired.

But! No rest for the fuckin' weary, says the sage, and tomorrow I've got class and work and drinkin' duty with classmates and our wheelbarrow o' fun teacher. The thought that I now have no place to stay the night in Shinchon does give me pause. Sniff.

Ah well. Let the pause be a moment of salutation for KB. KB. Mmm. Owner of the best damn six-pack of a stomach I've ever had the -- oops. I did say it was safe for bigbro to come back and read this, didn't I? Sorry, bigbro. Heh.