Monday, March 15, 2004

Progression (in haiku)

Me? I was so glad.
He? Was only thinking of
her. Is she all that?

I envy all of
them. Back in his hometown of
--oops. Can't reveal that.

What I mean to say:
I loved him. No, I didn't!
Misplaced desire.

All right. His name is--
Heh heh. Just kidding. You know
this blog is public.

Down, up, up and down
Did I lose a friend? For what?
Five nights of sweetness.

And was it worth it?
Truth be told, I cannot say.
It was... it wasn't.

Oh, I miss KB
His stomach especially
Kind of strange, I know.

I wait for email
Hope starts to fade and then I
wonder if I should...?

But surely he would...?
That is, if he wanted to...?
And if not, then how...?

Well, I clearly can't.
First contact has to be his.
Oh... are you my friend?

Be my friend, dammit!
Write me a frickin' email!
How hard can it be?

No, no, no, no, no.
Let patience be mine virtue
And if not -- accept.

Let's be cool 'bout this.
(Goddammit, frickin' chill out!
You've been through much worse.

And stop writing this
Vomitous crap! A poet --
Definitely not!)

Okay, okay, no
more verse. Nor bitter whining.
Sorry about this.

Can I just say this?
Thanks. Hearts get battered, but they
heal. Usually.

Thanks for being here, folks! Great crowd tonight, just fabulous, and don't forget those tips on the way out! You know who loves ya!