Thursday, March 04, 2004


Sorry for being absent so long, all. Had an unexpectedly excellent day on Friday hanging out with my classmates and teacher and drinking, and that turned into an excellent Saturday wee-hours, which became a sleep-all-day Saturday, which then turned into a short trip to a spa on Sunday, followed by a study-ful Monday (a holiday) that then became a drunk Monday night and Tuesday morning, during which something became clear to me. That something got amplified and further explained on Tuesday night, and I will explain this all much more later, once I figure out how to gracefully leave out identifying details without turning it into a colorless tale. As it contains elements of jealousy, revelation, lust, unrequited love, melancholy, and the fastest bit of growing up ever to take place in a few minutes, it really does deserve a good telling.

Can I just say, though, that the institution of drinking is, like, the best thing to happen to mankind, ever?

More later. Promise.