Thursday, March 25, 2004

I graduated yesterday! Woo woo!

But also sad. Boo.

I borrowed my friend's wedding hanbok to wear to the graduation, and elicited a couple of oohs and aahs -- and then a couple concerned gasps when I accidentally stepped on the long, long skirt and nearly tripped. Twice.

But the impromptu performance that our class gave went off fairly well, and I hammed up the part they wrote for me to great praise. (Snort.) It was pretty funny, though -- the whole performance, I mean. A spoof of dating shows, the part I was in went something like this:

Boy: Question one is this. If we got married, how many children would you want to have?
Girl 1 (me): I don't like children, so I would never have any.
Girl 2 (teacher): Well, I already have one, so --- oops! I mean, well, I guess one is good.
Girl 3: However many the man wanted. Man is sky and woman but earth, you know.

Boy: Question two. If I had to go to war, what would you do?
Girl 1: Well, if you have to go, then you have to go. Good-bye!
Girl 2: Do you get money for going?
Girl 3: Of course I would wait -- as long as it took until you came back.

Hee. Our teacher was really funny.

Today we (me, BC, Maiko) are going with my dad and his friend to Gyong-ju, the capital of the ancient Silla dynasty and home to a ton of artifacts. A few days before the next entry, I'm afraid. We come back on Monday.

Road triiiiiiip!