Thursday, July 03, 2003

Saw my missionary friend Tex last night again (also saw her on Tuesday), and she was all aglow because she just started dating someone from church. Awwww.

Tex is going to make my bridesmaid dress for One-Armed Maggie's wedding in September, and I confess to being a wee bit nervous about it, as she's not a professional. However, I was really glad I could communicate with her in English, because I'd have been in a world of trouble trying to explain that no, I wasn't really sure if there was supposed to be a fishtail effect on the dress or not, and could she by chance put loops instead of buttonholes on the top?

After my fitting (which revealed that I have distinctly hourglass-figure stats -- whee!), I stayed and reviewed some of her Korean homework with her. Tex took two semesters off from school, so she's just starting level 3 whereas I would have started level 5 this term. Even so, I was kind of amazed at how much better I am at Korean. Obviously I started out with a heavy advantage, growing up in a Korean household, but I think I have improved loads these past 9 months.

9 months. 9 months! By the time the dress is finished, I'll have been in Korea for a year... at which point I'll subject you to an excruciating introspective entry. I give you permission to skip it.

So can you tell already that I have nothing to write about today?

Oh! I forgot -- I was up late last night because the International Olympics Committee announced the location of the 2010 Winter Olympics at 12:30 am. The Korean city Pyunchang was up against Vancouver, in the end. They showed a little bit of Vancouver's promo video, and then Pyunchang's, whereupon my dad exclaimed, "Hey! That's not Pyunchang in the video, that's Seoul!" Hey, it's a small country -- the Olympians can surely fit in a day trip to Seoul. There was coverage of a big crowd in Pyunchang, cheering and holding signs.

Vancouver won.

Which kinda makes sense, since the World Cup was just here, and Beijing is hosting the next Olympics, so, you know, Asia fatigue, I guess. Or spreading the wealth.

Even so, I was disappointed.

Tonight am going to check out a taekwondo place near the apartment, which my dad scouted out for me. My dad, the perfect roommate. Accomodating, uncomplaining, takes no rent, buys and cooks food, doesn't have any restrictions -- man, after this stint I'm definitely gonna have to live alone.