Thursday, June 26, 2003

I saw the end part of Shiri last night on TV, one of the few Korean movies that have been released in the United States. It's about a North Korean spy, and despite a certain amateurish quality to the fight scenes and an over-reliance on melodramatic we're-both-pointing-our-guns-to-each-other's-heads-so-now-what moments, it was a compelling movie, stylishly pulling together elements of spy movies, political thrillers and action flicks.

It also contains real pathos at the end, when you realize that North and South used to be one, but have been and continue to be enemies for going on 50 years. Somehow, I never got that feeling in regard to East/West Germany, or the U.S. Civil War.

If you get a chance, do rent it.
People at work have been oohing and ahhing over my hair, and saying that I look younger, prettier, etc. The director of my team said I used to look like a student but now look very different. A bit later, he showed me a drawing that he'd received from some Vietnamese delegates who'd been at the office earlier, and asked me what I thought of it, which I'm not sure he would have done if I didn't look now much more like a Korean Korean girl.