Sunday, June 22, 2003

Keep Moving: Revisited

Lewis (former sheep shearer from New Zealand), Yuki (the first person I met in Korea), and Ronnie (a Canadian whom I don't really know) had a party at their last night, as they are all leaving Korea (two permanently, one just for the summer). Thus, another night of drinking much weak beer while chattering (mostly in Korean) with Japanese, Chinese, American, Canadian, French, and New Zealand persons, followed by sleeping over in Lewis' room with Lewis and Antoine. Antoine is young (not yet 20, I think). Antoine is French. Antoine has B.O. Oh well.

For some reason, despite only having slept about 4 hours on Friday night, I was totally awake and unable to sleep at 3 am. So I WAS going to quietly read the New Yorker (thanks again, Dave and Steph!!!) downstairs so as not to disturb anyone. But a very drunk Lewis insisted I come up, since he'd feel like a bad host if I stayed downstairs. So instead of reading about how to fly the Goodyear blimp, I stayed up talking with a smellerific Frenchman and a Kiwi who slurrily slid in and out of consciousness.

Around 5 am, the room began to lighten as the sun prepared to start another Sunday. Lying on the floor, I smiled. There are things you just can't imagine about the future. I would never have imagined that at some point during my stay in Korea I'd be sleeping next to a country boy from New Zealand and a language whiz from France. It all seems so... airily bohemian, so casually weird, somehow, and if this passage demonstrates how amazingly unhip I am and how my life has been a total Volvo til this point, well -- it's time you knew the truth about me anyway.

Staying up til daybreak, sleeping over at friends' houses, drinking massive quantities of light beer, hanging out with people from all over the world -- yeah.

Note: all the above written in a truly bizarre unsleepy state, despite a total of about 8 hours of sleep over two days, 5 or 6 of which were uneasy and unrestful. I'm on the lookout for the crash.