Friday, July 04, 2003

Hey, it's July 4! But you know, that means nothing here! So no BBQs, no fireworks, and no parades.

Except that I'm going to an army guy's party tonight, so maybe there will be a BBQ.

Bluagh. Don't want to go to party tonight, but nice girl I met last week (good god, only last week? this is has truly been the slowest week in the history of the free world) at another army guy's party invited me to go, and true to my maxim of "you must keep moving, dammit, even if you feel like buying a trashy spy thriller and a bag of chips and lying in bed instead," I'm going.

(Wait, it wasn't last week I met her, it was actually two weeks ago. Where is my brain? Where? Where?) (Sob.) (I miss it.)

BC sent me an email forward, and I feel I must pass it on to you all: Go to, type "weapons of mass destruction" as the search term, click on "I'm feeling lucky" (not "Search"), and read the error message. I love google.

Last night, instead of going to check out the taekwondo place, I got some kimbap (Korean sushi) with my friend Myungsoo and sat on the embankment of the flood control valley that's near our apartment complex. Because it rained on Wednesday, we had a clear view of the mountains in the distance, and it was quite sublime. However, as it's that time of the month (I hate talking about that, but I'm not quick enough today to figure out how to explain my sudden and inexplicable tetchy mood without referring to it; see "Brain, Lost" above), I found myself irritated beyond belief when she suddenly, joyously broke out into a "Praise the lord" type of song.

Stop, stop, STOP!!! Do I break out into Buddhist chants when I'm happy? NO. (Granted, I don't know any, but that's BESIDE the point.) Please ask yourself -- does the person I am walking with REALLY want to hear me pray for our good digestion and blessings before our meal of cheese and tuna kimbap (surprisingly tasty, actually)? Might she even remotely feel uncomfortable, since it is NOT her religion and she has expressed NO interest in learning about it? Hm! Maybe I should try backing off! Ya think?

With apologies to the Christians out there -- I don't mean offense, truly, and I understand that proselytizing is a core part of the religion. I don't mind if someone talks about the role God has played in her/his life, and I don't even mind friendly invitations to church. But at this point, I've been to church with friends a number of times, I have a decent grasp of the basic tenets of Christianity (I even agree with 'em, as most reasonable people do -- it's the Christ part I have trouble with), and if I really wanted to convert, believe me, I'd tell ya.

I respect my friends' religions, and the vast majority of Christians I know respect the fact that I'm not one. The proselytizing, though, makes me feel that my choices are not being respected. Which leaves us all in a quandary, I suppose, since proselytizing is an important part of -- Protestantism? I don't seem to know any Catholics who have tried to get me to convert -- uh, it. So okay, Myungsoo, you keep trying and I'll just keep getting annoyed. Sigh.

With the exception of the Philippines, South Korea has been the most receptive Asian country to Christianity.

Oh yes, I ended up trudging over to the taekwondo place after dinner, and was not pleased to see a class of 7 kids being taught by someone who looked like he hadn't started shaving yet. No go. Will check out the far away location my colleagues used to go to.

By the way, is it common knowledge that Liberia was created as a home for freed American slaves in 1822? (see Washington Post article on Liberia today) Have I been under a rock all these years?