Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Overall, despite last entry, had a nice weekend. Very long, as Thursday was Labor Day (no school and no work), Friday was the school picnic (I decided to take the half day from work to go), Monday was a holiday (Children's Day), and today I had no school because of some construction work at the school building.

Despite all this time, of course, I am frantically writing my "speech" for class tonight, so my teacher can check it tomorrow and I can deliver it on Friday. And I have done no studying. Yargh.

I might give it up for tonight and try to finish in the morning. I'm sorta pooped 'cause yesterday I went to my classmate's housewarming (and it was warm all right -- no AC or fan on a balmy spring day) and basically ate and drank from 4:30 to 11 pm with an assorted crew of Chinese, Japanese, NZ, Irish, Mongolian and Korean students.

Will try to describe weekend tomorrow when am not scrambling to find facts about dog cafes in the world (my speech is about dogs). But will leave you with this interesting factoid about Korea: during the weekdays, from 12 pm to 1 pm, all the major stations (the channels you get without cable) are off. I mean, you turn on the tube and it's fuzz on channel 6, colored bars on channel 7, fuzz on channel 9, fuzz on channel 11 and fuzz on channel 13. At first I couldn't believe it. But you know, it's kind of nice for there to be one hour where you can't watch TV.