Bored, tired and sick (of admin law)
I didn't eat a lot of candy as a kid. When I study now, though, I eat candy. I eat Cheetos. I eat Twix. Snickers really does satisfy me. On Thursday I had some Oreos. Last week I branched out and had some Sour Patch Kids.
Right now, I have M&Ms and Cheetos in my room, but I cannot taste the sweet, sweet chemical neon cheesiness, nor the cloying sugariness of the M&Ms. Such is life with a cold. I have, however, lined up the M&Ms I did shake out of the bag into a neat row, in rainbow color hierarchy. I've been doing this with M&Ms lately -- lining them up and eating them in a coordinated sort of fashion. I didn't do this before. When I was a kid. Law school does strange things to you.
It's almost midnight here in Crimson City, and I have gone through all my admin notes, and I have made an outline, and I really, really, really should go through an old test and create a decision tree so I don't have to do it on the fly tomorrow, but I really, really, really don't want to. Blech. I can't even muster the energy to be hatin' on this final. Or the crappy strategy paper. I'm just bored. It's time for it to be ovah!
Tomorrow, after I turn in my exam and paper, I've got plans to see Sweet, Smart Scientist, who called last night. He said he thought of me when he was grocery shopping earlier in the day, and thought he should maybe call and see if I wanted anything. But he didn't. (So: 5 points for thinking of me -- aw, sweet -- but minus 3.5 points for not actually doing so -- uh, thanks for nothin', dude.)
Anyway, I'm going to tell him tomorrow that I might be sticking around here for another year. I wonder what his reaction will be? You'd think it would be joy, but I could see it being all weird, since he's been struggling with the expiration date since he met me. Plus, there's the danger that he'd interpret my staying as a reaction to our dating (which it isn't, but it could seem that way), and things could turn into a "I'm so weirded out by the fact that the big drama-causing factor is gone, I can't deal!" situation. Let's hope not. As I wrote before, the fact that I feel affection for Sweet, Smart Scientist definitely put a twist on the leaving situation, but the bottom line is that I enjoyed working with The Turtle and I have a lot more to learn from him, and I enjoyed working on my project, and it just feels right. I made the decision and my mind didn't turn into a roiling, heaving sea, it just went, "Oh. Okay!"
Okay, I will just study until 1 and then I will go to bed. Just. Pass.
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