Thursday, April 12, 2007

And after all that

…Sweet, Smart Scientist writes an email to me at, like 3 am last night, being all, “hey, so much for my plans to switch to an earlier schedule! How was your meeting on Wednesday morning?”

So maybe it’s like what Mr. Rocks said (when I called him at 2:30 am on Tuesday night all upset about The Talk) – maybe I just need to ignore the whole thing and proceed as I have been doing.

And maybe, when Sweet, Smart Scientist said he wanted to talk to me about something, he actually meant he wanted to talk about it, not just deliver a decision wrapped in the guise of open and actual communication. What a concept! Talking about something that bothers you! To figure out a solution! Sometimes I wonder about my so-called communication skills.

On the other hand, maybe he’s just being nice now so that he can break things off without warning this weekend.

(No, I will NOT let go of my paranoia. It’s too dear to me.)

And in other, non-sweet, non-smart, non-science-related news, my clinical supervisor, The Turtle, told me today that he had nominated me for a national student clinical practice award. Each school can only enter one student's name for consideration, and I didn't end up getting it, but he thought I deserved it more than the person who did get it. That made me feel fuzzy inside. Validate me!