Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wanted: a vacation

This being the 15th straight day of class, research, and reading, I am very glad that this winter session is almost over.

On Monday I take the exam for this class, which I've totally checked out of (seriously -- I was looking at my Alaska pictures during class), and then I'm off to New Orleans for hurricane relief work. Our group is working with the New Orleans Legal Aid Center. It may not be the most exciting work -- the other project that kids from Crimson are working on sounds much cooler -- but at least it will be different and hopefully helpful to people who need the aid.

And I get to go to New Orleans, where I've never been. It's almost pathological, my love of new places.

I feel a little bit like what I imagine grad student life to be, what with all my days revolving around research and reading of journals, both for work and for class. I like it, but it's wearing.

Notes of humor: in my reading assignment for tomorrow, there is again an article written by my Not-Gay Boyfriend's appellatory doppelganger (if Not-Gay Boyfriend's name was "Murgatroyd Eustacius Binkeldorf," the author's name would be "Murgatroyd Eustacius Binkelhausen"). AND! there is an article written by someone I know -- the wife of a old DOJ compatriot, whom I got to know in DC and is one hella cool chick. That was pretty awesome.

I was curled up in a ball in Joiner's armchair this afternoon, whiny as hell and unable to motivate to go to the library, and shouted out, "I need a vacation!" Or at least one day where I don't have to read or research. These are the things I would do, had I the time and/or money, starting with:

The practical...
- go grocery shopping
- get a haircut
- clean out my closets and donate a bunch of shit I never wear, and throw out a bunch of stuff I never use but feel guilty about throwing away, for various reasons
- go to a yoga class
- organize Alaska photos into an album on ofoto and get it printed the unpractical:
- get a manicure
- buy shitload of clothes, some of which I kinda need (new pair of jeans, gloves, pair of black heels, a black skirt, a fitted blouse, running shoes, exercise pants, new flip-flops) and some of which I don't need (a pretty dress, a sexy shirt, knee-high boots that fit like a glove, sparkly earrings)
- get a facial
- drink a bottle of Veuve Cliquot
- get a massage
- go down to DC and eat some Ben's Chili Bowl chili cheese fries and chili cheese half-smoke
- buy a down comforter and a pretty duvet and loll around on them eating green tea ice cream and watching an entire season of 24
- and why the hell not -- drink another bottle of Veuve Cliquot.

Gosh, that would be nice.