Friday, January 20, 2006

Class is over! No more psych!

Last day of class today -- hurrah! And I even managed to: 1. get the signature I needed to cross register into a history class for spring; 2. finish copying all the articles in the last journal for my research job; and 3. turn in all my work for the job to the prof's assistant. A good day's work -- productive and varied.

Thus, all that remains is to study for the damn psychiatry and law test, which may be a tad harder than I would hope, seeing as how I zoned out of class the last few days. Oh, and pack for New Orleans. I can't believe I'll be there in three days. Christ.

On the ever-exciting Not-Gay Boyfriend front: nothing. I happened to walk by his class on my way back from turning in my research, and saw his tall, thin form. He was wearing a robin's egg blue long-sleeve shirt under a lavender polo. Which -- don't get me wrong -- looked good! But combinations like this led to his pseudonym -- when I found out from my sources earlier this year that he had had a girlfriend, I started calling him my Not-Gay Boyfriend, with all the hopefulness that that implied.

Full day's work tomorrow awaits, with my piles of psych reading and notes. Panic... slowly rising...