Friday, November 11, 2005

And another one bites the dust... the 13th caller has rung in, ladies and gentlemen, and les jeux sont fait. The San Francisco firm just called with an offer.

And what do we have in the mail today? Why, a long-sleeved t-shirt (too big) from one Mighty Big Firm, and a boring package of forms and a directory (as if I want one) from another. I suppose I can wear the shirt to sleep in.

Saw the French King last night for dinner at Chase Henry's, where we split a salad and a Cuban sandwich. Did you know that a Cuban sandwich without the pork is basically bread and cheese? Sigh. It's not a big thing, really, to give up beef/pork/chicken/eggs (unless free range), but sometimes it is a bit annoying.

The cornichons were tasty, though.

Went to a party thereafter, thrown by the human rights group. It was not as painful as I thought, mostly because it was off campus and seemed like an adult-ish affair. I've been working on a research project for this group that has been chapping my hide for the past few weeks, mostly because I don't know what I'm doing and feel like a big ole fraud. Also, I don't like leading things. Fortunately, after a couple more hours of work this afternoon, I should be done. Human rights. Eh. As the French King put it, I'm a Daily-Show-watcher-type of liberal, and prefer my activism in moderation. The world needs activists, but I'm not one of them.