Sunday, September 11, 2005

Have just input my bids for the bloody sodding on-campus interviews. I had to rank firms and didn't know how and was overwhelmed, so just put them in random order, pretty much. All I know is that I want a big NYC law firm with a significant international presence.

It's great that the school makes it so easy for us to be fed into the corporate machinery. The law firms will descend upon Crimson City in hordes and take up lots of hotel space in which to make nice with us Crimson 2Ls because they want to say they've got so-and-so number of Crimson grads at their firm.

I went to a job fair last night and had a moderately bad time of it. Like, do you all take this seriously? Because it BLOWS -- you realize that, right? The fact that you work 80 hours a week and get screamed at and are slaves to your Blackberries -- that sucks. And then have to make nice to clueless 2Ls and sell the firm and all that? Lovely.

Def and Stave, so recently removed from the big C.I., have been trying to persuade me that I'll be unhappy there in New York, working for the big bad New York firms. Yes, I probably will.

It was very nice to see them in their bright, tidy apartment near the law school today -- went over for brunch and benefited from a car ride to Target and the grocery store. I'm so happy that they've moved here.

I've been here less than a week and have already fallen into old, bad habits with Friend. It was the firm reception and the two mojitos, I swear! But I am going to draw the line. I swear.

I should have been more organized about this whole job thing.

And I should have gotten back earlier to school so that I could spend precious time researching firms instead of setting up my room over the past five afternoons.

And I should probably not take Accounting, but I am, because I dropped Tax, and am taking Evidence and Accounting instead, and that will have to be that.

Now, I MUST to bed, because I'm not making sense.