Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Unable and unwilling to deal with packing the day I got back from Korea, I went out and saw "Sky High" last night at the local theater. Thumbs up! I love smart coming-of-age movies.

I went to sleep around 10 last night and got up around 12:30 this afternoon. I did wake up earlier, around 6:30, but thought, "ForGIT it!"

I'm currently sitting in my room, surrounded by piles of clothes. I wish I had arranged to go back to school earlier, because as a procrastination tool, I checked my Crimson email account and was instantly overwhelmed by all the stuff I need to do. There's a meeting about on-campus interviewing at 3 pm the day I get back, as well as registration, which has to be done by 5 pm. That's not to mention deciding about which classes to take and which to add/drop/waitlist/activate priority list numbers for, which has to be done by ... dang, I don't even know. And the on-campus interviewing itself. And training and recruiting for my two activities, mediation and human rights. I feel like I'm drowning already.

Whenever I'm in school I feel like I'm drowning in choices and deadlines. Which is why I liked this summer so much. Just one job -- with multiple tasks to be sure, but never so much as to pull me under.

Oh, I did like this summer so much.

Now, to packing! To packing! More navel-gazing after I close/zip up my bags.